A ballad about a lovelorn bird of paradise. 140 BPM. Instrumentation: rock guitar ensemble, tremolo guitar, + voc.


Bird of Paradise

Behold the bird of paradise, on a tree top high above
He’s all grown now, and he’s truly gorgeous, and he’s ready - ready for love
When he’s not eating or sleeping, he’s up there standing duty
Hoping some babe will happen by and be smitten by his beauty

Cause it don’t matter how gorgeous you are, how bright your feathers glisten
Or how sweetly you sing and dance, if there’s no one to see or listen

He’s rousted from his gloomy thoughts by a flutter in the air
And there on a nearby branch is perched the true answer to his prayers!
She’s a plain little Jane compared to him, but OMG she’s hot!
She shoots him a saucy look that says: ’Now show me what you got!’

Hey, baby, you’re looking gorgeous! I love how your feathers glisten!
You perform your song and dance, and I can watch and listen

Go for it, you young bird of paradise! This might be your only chance!
He dives to the ground like a stone falling down and begins his courtship dance
He flaps his wings, he fans his tail, he twirls, he bows, he hops
This is the moment he’s lived for, and he pulls out all the stops!

She watches for a little while, but soon she’s seen enough
It seems our young bird of paradise doesn’t have the right stuff
Before the poor guy even gets halfway through his courtship dance
She flies off without a word, or even a backward glance

What’s the good of being gorgeous, with feathers that brightly glisten?
It don’t mean a hill of beans if there’s no one to see or listen

Nothing hurts as bad as disappointment in love
But soon he flies back to the treetop above
It’s a tough, tough game, but there’s no use in crying
It’s the only one worth winning, and he’s gotta keep trying

Cause it don’t matter how gorgeous you are, how bright your feathers glisten
Or how sweetly you sing and dance, if there’s no one to see or listen